16 Dec 2019

Elkwood Farms' Tack Room

It's taken me a while to name my Julippy stables - I wanted something that sounded charming and rural, I'm not sure if I succeeded but now I'm attached to the Elkwood name, so that's that!

I might change my blog's name as well, but I've done it so many times now that it seems almost silly to do it again!

A tack room is something I've wanted to cobble together for a while, mostly because I get annoyed by all the saddles and props spread about the bookshelves and can never find things when I need them! But it's also been a while since I've done miniature decorating and it makes my heart happy :D

I couldn't wait until tomorrow to set it up and take photos, so they're not brilliant as it was a bit dark.

The room itself was measured and cut out of a cardboard box, with some bits reinforced with duct tape, and then I painted up the walls and used some grey felt for the floor. I had a little sample pot of wall paint from when I painted our furniture in a nice dark duck egg, so I used that for the walls.

The saddle racks and the little shelf were also made out of painted cardboard. The rosettes on the shelf were actually won by the ponies :D I think I'll add some brackets to the saddle racks, they're sturdy enough but it would just make them look better.

The rug is just a little scrap of fabric I grabbed exactly for this reason.

It's not finished yet; I have to think of more things to add to it. Maybe a counter or a bookshelf? I don't want to use cardboard for everything, as I do prefer the look of wood, so I might have to source some lolly sticks or balsa wood. Another visit to the local model shop might be in order!

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I'm not the best at this!!

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