This past Tuesday we had an event at the yard, with 40 people in attendance, so everything had to be organised, spotless and in its right place. On the day we were supposed to do that, one of the grooms didn't show up! So I had to work for two people, caring for the horses while cleaning tack, carting 40 chairs across the arena, scrubbing stall doors, de-cobwebing, sweeping up, pressure washing things... It was a mad rush so I really felt like I needed a reward!
I had a hard time choosing which horse I wanted, between Snowman, Cortes C and SBH Phoenix. I really like the Othello mold, and have wanted one for years, but the white streaks on Phoenix's mane really put me off. I also love Cortes C but the Carrick mold's legs are all different sizes!... But he has such a cute face and Thoroughbred-y look that I might just look past that and get him some day. I'd already met the Idocus mold in person, as a friend of mine had him, so I decided to just go for it and get this fleabitten beauty. :D

Now I see why people complain about grey Breyers. He is plain, really really plain, with no shading whatsoever - there is a touch of grey on his face, but that is all. Comparing with the Breyer Snowman from 2005, you can see how truly plain he is. He has "Snowman" written on his belly, but I forgot to take a picture of it!

Still, despite this, I am very pleased with him. I took him outside for photos - the garden looks lovely with all the flowers in bloom - but it's so windy that I was afraid he would tip over, so I didn't take many.

Other than the tiniest bit of overspray on his hoof, he has no flaws. His colour also makes that very easy to repair if I ever feel like it. I might just re-paint his eyes and darken the shading on his face, just to give it a little bit of depth, but we will see.

I love this model's face, even if it is slightly lopsided! It is very kind and honest. He has a very Sport Horse-y look, with clean, solid legs and a level back. His mane and tail are neatly pulled and trimmed, and he has definitely been groomed to perfection, ready for a show.

I have named him Utopia. I also ordered a rug for him so he can be warm and cosy, now that the weather is turning sour! I plan to add new straps, though, as the velcro closures are bulky and unrealistic.

And two more ponies jumped into the shopping cart before I could stop them.

I have named him Tulip.

A Stablemate came along, too, a red roan mustang with a blaze.

He is beautiful, so much detail on such a small model!!

I have named him Twister, and already took him to the yard so he could explore.

Now I am torn; I would like to get another model before I leave, but I truly can't decide which one! I had my mind set on Fantasia del C, but after seeing how plain these greys are, I'm not so sure. I also like the Irish Draught from the Best of British collection. Decisions, decisions...